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Heather Marsh
Heather Marsh is an author, programmer and human rights organizer. From 2010 to 2012 she was the administrator and editor in chief of the Wikileaks news site Wikileaks Central and she participated in, promoted or reported on most of the major social movements of 2010-11 from their first initiations. In 2013 she wrote a book called Binding Chaos about methods of mass collaboration she had experimented with while working with Wikileaks, Occupy, Anonymous, M15 and many other mass movements. She is currently working on Autonomy, Diversity, Society, a book about achieving a balance in these primary social and governance goals. She is also working on Releasing Chaos, a book(s) which looks at how to build resilient horizontal societies, writing the Code Will Rule series which is designing actual tools, in technology and also in our governance and legal structures, that will help us in self-governance and developing Getgee, a project to create a universal database and trust network as a first step away from corporate control of our tools of collaboration
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